Monday, September 26, 2022

PM spends 0.2 percent of her time on Child Poverty Reduction?

 A reader sent me the following quote from a Bryce Edward's article at the BFD:

The Prime Minister took on the portfolio of Child Poverty Reduction, as a way of signalling her ambitions to fix the problem. But clearly she has had other priorities.

This was exposed in the release of ministerial diaries last month, which give an indication of how much time ministers spend on any particular portfolio. Between October 2020 and June 2022 Ardern was recorded as spending only 14 hours on this portfolio – an average of only 40 minutes per month. One calculation put this at a meagre 0.2 per cent of her working time on what she said was her most important portfolio.

Yes, I did check the calculations which would have her working eleven-hour days, seven days a week.

1 comment:

  1. Poverty would be the last thing on the Prime Ministers mind when she can be the star in the spotlight at the Glitzy and Glamorous Wearable Art Awards.

    The World stage last week, Wellington last night, maybe she will cap it off by being at a Sunday Soup Kitchen dispensing alms to the poor!!
