Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Ardern dead wrong

The Prime Minister says the thousands that descended on Parliament today are "not representative"  citing vaccination rates to support her claim.

Bollocks. Getting vaccinated does not indicate support for the government and their approach to Covid.

The march was an anti-government protest. It was anti lock downs and vaccination mandates, and whatever else each participant is holding against Ardern and her ministers. Look at the signs and listen to the chants.

If she truly believes that crowd isn't representative of a much bigger group she has lost touch with reality.


  1. One hopes she is going to get a hell of a shock when the next Colmar Brunton Poll appears - trouble is it could be 6 months away.

    I wish CB would whack another poll out between now and Christmas.

  2. You could be in luck PDM because the Taxpayer's Union is now commissioning a poll from Curia so one might emerge before too long.

  3. Thanks Lindsay - could be interesting don't you think?

  4. I didn't want to get vaccinated but then I couldn't start my new job unless I did so I have.

    I am pro vaccines - tested and proven ones that is.

  5. I wonder how many in the crowd gave their tick of approval to this government one year ago?

    Now they have become a disenchanted rabble. I always enjoy a parade, but wasn't impressed with the clowns on the motorbikes. Smothering their fellow protestors in burnout smoke, was in my opinion juvenile and emphasized the mob mentality.

    Other than that, I suppose a good day was had by all.

  6. The media were pushing the bullshit lie that this was an anti-vaxxers protest when anyone with half a brain could see that this wasn't the truth.

  7. Those in power are looking increasingly like Frodo in Lord of the Rings, the part where he is holding the ring up on a chain and a look of evil is spreading over his face.

    There is an opportunity here for another major party, if only they had correct information to begin with. If anyone is interested, the best sources are over at Substack, suggested follows for the virus/vaccine stories can be found here: https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/we-have-entered-the-substack-era

    If none of the major parties step up then guessing a chunk of votes many of them ex Labour go to the coalition party being formed right now.

    Very pleased to hear Curia will be onto this.

  8. The Narrative is "Anti-Vax" from the team of $55m, but closest I've seen to "Anti-Vax" poster is one held by a child saying "I'm not a science experiment"

  9. ZenTiger12:44 PM

    I found her comments offensive.

    It doesn't matter if she thinks protestors are not representative of the people that didn't protest. She continues to paint anyone not 100% compliant as "outside of society" and to be excluded from society.

    In a democratic society, we need to support different views and perspectives. There were many people at that protest with different views and perspectives, and the underlying theme is that they are not to be permitted to be part of society, and that has become so evident through media manipulation, policy and rhetoric.

    There are a group of people that believe it is their right to force people to take experimental drugs. They want to enforce this by barring people from working and moving about in society. It matters not if you test negative, it doesn't matter if you possess natural immunity. YOU MUST TAKE THE DRUGS. YOU MUST SHOW YOUR PAPERS. No exceptions. It is the banning of meaningful exceptions that should not be possible in a democratic society.

    The pro-mandate, pro forced vaccination group are acting as if this virus has a 50% death rate. The response is out of proportion to the risks. Sure, there are at risk groups, and we have many options for dealing with improving protection for those groups, but the last two years has seen very little of that, and more effort into "no jab, no job, no choice" and millions on tracking software.

    The measures have been so extreme that collateral damage, which is studiously ignored, is wrecking havoc with people's lives more than was ever necessary.

    The drive to vaccinate children and hit 100% vaccination rates (which is what the "no job, no going out" requirement ultimately underscores) is driven by the fear that nothing less than 100% compliance is required. I think, even with 100% compliance, this treatment does not prevent spread and death. Allowing genuine exceptions and putting more thought into long term strategies that don't require surrender of freedoms and an increasingly authoritarian approach to problem solving.

    Already, information is coming out that the testing process was flawed and corrupt. Is that misinformation when it is published in the British Medical Journal? It seems misinformation is merely anything that leads people to having a different opinion on the trustworthiness of big pharma and the foolishness of government.

    The lack of transparency and the squashing of debate only increases the distrust, and sets the scene for the people to resist the assault on their freedom and autonomy, which then sees the government characterising and treating citizens as terrorists.

    This is not good, and Jacinda's comments and obvious attitude, take us closer to the inevitability of an authoritarian government, ruled by people that have no qualms in forcing drugs on anyone that resists, for "the greater good".

    The ends always justifies the means when such people ignore individual rights.

  10. Do you think she ever was in touch with reality?

  11. Puts a lie to her statement on election victory about governing for all New Zealanders.
