Thursday, September 02, 2021

135,570 jobs

 Data for the COVID-19 Wage Subsidy Scheme (August 2021) since applications opened on 20 August 2021:

135,570 jobs - most probably still in limbo - some never coming back.

Yet the focus is always on the health risks - almost never the economic. Not from the government anyway.

The two are in any case deeply intertwined. Unemployment is a leading cause of depression.

Why aren't health specialists talking more about the toll lock downs take on the mental health of the population?

How much suffering for 'safety' will New Zealanders put up with? 


  1. I see that the Chief Coroner and Statistics NZ are going to release the next lot of suicide rate data in late September. The previous release of data covers up until June 2020 (ie the first lockdown of last year), but there does not appear to be any noticeable uptick in suicides during that lockdown. I will be interested to see if this latest one has resulted in it, as anecdotally it seems to me that people are struggling with this one much more than the last one. Or maybe there'll be an uptick after lockdown when 'reality' sets in?

    Of course, suicides are not the only measure of the toll the lockdowns must be taking on mental health. Are you aware of any objective data such as an increased volume of calls to mental health services for counselling or anything like that?

    But yes, the economic data is hard to argue with. Though the levels of spin coming from Grant Robertson and the Prime Minister are such that I wonder if people will ever see a pure version of any data showing the economic toll? Or is it going to be papered over with printed money and inter-generational debt?

  2. Its simple Lindsay
    The Media/advisory Health experts have been captured by both group think and media propaganda.

    They wont get their spot in the sunshine if they say.
    Hey lets consider the big picture including mental health and affects on those being denied regular health

    remember MOH is a dismal failure when it comes to mental health

    the Covid response is a political response
    Not a public health response
