Sunday, July 11, 2021

Seymour's support building

 Seymour couldn't want for better publicity. According to NewstalkZB host, Jack Tame:

The pollsters say it’s unprecedented.

Act leader David Seymour is doing better in the latest Preferred Prime Minister rankings than the leader of our second biggest party. 

But I’m not surprised at all, because I think David Seymour is one of the best politicians in Parliament.

But not everyone is a fan. Here we have Lee Williams shouting at Seymour that he is a fraud. Why?

Because he isn't telling people about He Puapua apparently.

Go back to Jack Tame's piece momentarily which contains this statement:
" was his [Seymour's] probing in the house that opened up the He Puapua Pandora’s box.
I guess you can never please everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Methinks Lee Williams was pissed of that Mr Seymour was not supporting Lee's freedom of speech
    and that Mr Seymour tacitly supported his firing.

    On the surface it does look like freedom of speech is not held in high regard.
    Especially by woke companies such as his employer and Westpac.
