Wednesday, August 26, 2020

John Tamihere romanticising Maori crime

According to John Tamihere, who has regrettably in my view taken the Maori Party down a  full-blown victimhood track:

Māori make up 60% of the prison population in New Zealand Women’s’ Prisons alone.

“We are the most incarcerated indigenous population in the world. This is a national catastrophe and disgrace,” Tamihere said

“80% of those women are there for crimes of dishonesty. They did not wake up and say to themselves today I’m going to steal and be dishonest,” he said.

“They woke up and said I have to put food on my table. I have to get my kids to the doctors. I have to pay for their uniforms. I have to give them things that others take for granted. So they are in prison for crimes of poverty – not dishonesty.

It's a self-deluded romantic apologist view. 

The following stats are exported from customised NZStat data:

2018-19 sentenced population = 519

Which could be classed as 'crimes of dishonesty'?

Robbery etc

Burglary etc

Theft etc

Fraud etc

Offences against justice etc

= 327

63 percent

Dancing on a pinhead John might say when all crimes are taken into account his 80% is true. The graph will show the most serious crime sentenced for.

But semantics aside, do you accept that these crimes were perpetrated to acquire school uniforms and doctor visits for children?

Afterall tens of thousands other Maori mums didn't turn to crime to look after their children.


  1. How many times has J tamihere been investigated and managed to slithered out of a criminal conviction, and his brother is a convicted criminal so what else would you expect from a maori like him.
    All Quite Disgusting.

  2. I don't think he is responsible for his brother and am unaware of criminal investigations. I just don't like the ideological track he is going down.

  3. This isn’t about Tamihere and certainly not his brother but rather the policy he is advocating. Maori who are convicted of crimes are eventually (after a whole lot of 2nd chances) sent to prison. Most Maori do not commit crimes. Those who do, rightly, are punished. Part of the reason people commit crimes is their background but ultimately you’re responsible for your actions. Tamihere blaming crime on something else is irresponsible and a cop out, but typical - “it’s all someone else’s fault”. Phooey. Maori are 55% of the prison population because they have committed crimes. Nothing to do with colonialism or discrimination. Mostly it’s dishonesty. Most Maori are NOT in prison because most Maori are honest.
