Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Two minute Todd

Who knows what goes on in the National Party? Like most of the public I can do no more than speculate on the veracity of the reasons Todd Muller has given for resigning this morning. But I can limit my response to that perspective.

Todd tried too hard. I responded to his Te Aroha speech here concluding he was trying to play Jacinda at her own game. Too risky.

Consequently he never appeared to be 'his own man' and that is absolutely vital for a leader and someone trying to sell himself as such in extremely uncertain times.

If my sense of the mood is accurate, at least half the country wants a very different alternative to Labour. They are turned off by identity politics -  accusations of racism, sexism and ageism that know no bounds or definition. Witch-hunting Me Tooism. Ever increasing wealth redistribution to address 'inequality' when equality of opportunity has never been greater. The soaking of the public service in Maori spiritualism in a secular society. The obsession with diversity (which preempted Muller's second hiccough.) And the religion of climate change which wrongly insists unsettled science is settled.

Todd was either trying to tiptoe through this cultural minefield or is genuinely conflicted. Anyone who is a parent right now, especially of teenagers and young adults, faces the chasm in thinking between generations on multiple issues. And forget the media and your colleagues: your offspring can be the toughest critics to handle because you have to listen to them.

But who now?  Judith "Is there something wrong with being white?" Collins?

She's tough enough. Listening to her promoting her new book there is no sense of her wanting it but there is a strong sense of her not leaving politics any time soon. And there also appear to be a few scores she would like to settle, even if she can't directly.

She'd be my pick if for no other reason than she says what she means and means what she says.


  1. Great assessment Lindsay, I was of the opinion the stupid nats made a massive error in choosing Bridges, Collins was the only one standing to expose the Peter's pick.
    I am fearful the dopy pricks will choose "I want more time with my Family" Adams or the seriously flawed Kaye. Either will threaten the English 22%.

  2. Lindsay, your intuitive response to the Nats bombshell was spot on. We could be forgiven for thinking you had written the script. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
    I appreciate Judith has a steely gaze and a caustic wit, but I was disappointed she never lived up to her "Crusher" epithet.She faded at the finish line in my opinion. But having said that I suspect She could make grown men cross their legs in her presence.
    If Todd has had a "breakdown" should he not retire from parliament completely and nip round to WINZ and sign up for a welfare benefit?

  3. Muller didn't really have a breakdown. That's just what they say so that they can exit with no questions asked.

    Muller, in my opinion, was never supposed to be the leader of this nation or his party. His legacy, his job, was to lead a demolition crew to tidy up the National Parliamentary caucus. It’s a thankless task that the media and the voter will not appreciate but it had to be done. It was a plumbing job. Muller has unblocked the drain on the National Party toilet so that the next user can sit on this throne and do battle with Jacinda Ardern upon hers.

    Ref. 53 Days: Muller the Plumber
