Sunday, February 02, 2020

"...employers are freezing the over 50s out of the job market"

A Stuff headline reads:

How employers are freezing the over 50s out of the job market
The single and over-45 population is more likely to suffer poverty than any group other than single parents and the situation is worse if you're female, Māori or Pasifika. As Kiwis are less and less financially prepared for retirement there is an older generation desperate to work - but nobody will hire them.... Caroline Nola is one of dozens Stuff spoke to this week, after we sought stories from older people struggling to find work. 
The article provides lots of stats but none that support the headline. They missed these:

50-54 year-olds have the second highest rate employment.
55-59 year-olds have a reducing employment rate but the lowest unemployment rate.
60-64 year-olds have a similar employment rate to 20-24 year-olds (71.5 versus 72.1%)

Susan St John makes an appearance saying:
There was evidence that more seniors were accessing benefits and food grants, and the welfare system did nothing to help, she said. 
Yes there is evidence. But the increase in Jobseeker benefit is much higher among 25-39 year-olds:

I feel very sorry for anyone who attends multiple interviews and gets nowhere. It's demoralising and depressing. But that scenario isn't confined to older applicants.

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