Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Should Jacinda tie the knot?

Interesting conclusion to a thoughtful column about the forthcoming "well-being budget" that essentially argues people should be making their own well-being choices with personalised saving accounts instead of the government deciding what is and isn't worth spending on:

Marriage, for example, has a large positive effect on wellbeing. So should our Prime Minister be cajoled into it? Citizens must be the ultimate decision-maker.
Nice one.

It has been proven repeatedly that marriage is generally good for people. But all we need there is some acknowledgement, not government interference to boost it.

The point made by the writer sees the PM hoisted by her own philosophical petard, nanny-statism.

My well-being is my business. Butt out Jacinda.


  1. I think we need to set up a Working Group to decide whether the PM should marry! Great idea Lindsay.

  2. Nice to know you are still alive and kicking Cactus. I could chair it. I'm expert enough after 25 years.

  3. Lucky for Jacinda that JAnderton is deceased. After all he made Helen Clark marry Peter Davis so that her Political Career could be advanced.
