Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Child abuse hand-in-glove with benefit abuse

Yesterday I was on Larry William's show backing Anne Tolley's call for contraceptive intervention with mothers who have children already earmarked for removal by CYF at birth. I pointed out that many of these children will be damaged in utero by their mother's alcohol or drug addiction.

This morning's NZ Herald features the heart-breaking story of exactly the sort of child who is being failed first and foremost by his mother and father, but secondly, by CYF, who are tasked with the care and protection of children.

The only saving grace in this awful story is that one social worker recognised the mother's use of her child as "a cash cow".That's the next issue that needs open and honest debate (if an honest debate can be had about a dishonest practice). The use of children as meal-tickets. It disgusts me.

A severely disabled child was used as a "cash cow" by his alcoholic mother and her boyfriend to access up to $80,000 in benefits, according to notes in a Child, Youth and Family file.
In it, a social worker said of the boy's caregivers: "It would appear that it's more about receiving financial payment from Government agencies, than actually providing a home for Benjamin*."


  1. Jamie7:58 PM

    Aren't there already laws on the books in New Zealand for endangering the life of an unborn child???

    "The current approach in New Zealand provides charges that prosecutors can consider under the Crimes Act 1961, including section 182 (death of an unborn child).

    In cases that do not come within the specific offences, the death of an unborn child can be considered as an aggravating factor on sentencing in any offending proved, for example against the mother. Such offences could include murder, manslaughter or wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. This is consistent with legislation in similar jurisdictions."

    No charges laid in the case you refer to???

    My guess - CYF's haven't heard of adoption and the police have got more important things to do, like bust peoples balls for smoking dope

  2. Unborn child - 'endangering' and 'causing the death of' are quite different things. A 'death' will generally come to the notice of relevant authorities (if its late in term). 'Damage' is grey area. It may not come to light immediately.
