Monday, May 04, 2015

What to take from the change at Mangere Budgeting Services

According to TVNZ
Ten years ago 85% of clients at Mangere Budgeting Services were beneficiaries - today only 37% are - the rest are working families.

What was happening in 2005?

6,599 beneficiaries were registered at the Mangere Work and Income Service Centre.

At March 2015 there were 6,249. Only 5 percent fewer.

So perhaps the big change at the Budgeting Services reflects a change in their policy? That is, qualifications on who they will assist.

If not, the other conclusion is that beneficiary income is better than income from work.

(Hat-Tip Whale Oil)


  1. Anonymous7:51 AM

    If not, the other conclusion is that beneficiary income is better than income from work.

    Well duh. More to the point - most of those so-called "workers" are also bludgers thanks to WFF etc.

    Now who was it who said "communism by stealth"

  2. S. Beast8:05 AM

    The cost of accommodation in particular have risen drastically during this time especially in Auckland, with families being hit particularly hard.

    Budgeting services usually have a wait list so I doubt it is due to a relaxation of policy given the notorious underfunding of budgeting services already struggling with client workload. Work and Income policy of sending people applying for Special Needs Grants for budgeting would have added further strain.

    It is worthwhile to note that even when in full employment it is still possible to qualify for SNGs.
