Monday, May 25, 2015

ACT can be very uncharitable

From ACT's Free Press newsletter today:

ACT’s Board has unanimously rejected an approach by the hapless Don Brash (no joking, this is too good for us to have made up) for Williamson to join ACT’s caucus. “My own party don’t want me no more” is not an attractive pitch.

Predictably (as was the author's aim)  the NZ Herald has picked this up.

You know, ACT is a hard party to stay loyal too.

To describe Don Brash as "hapless" is insulting and belittling.

It didn't work out in 2011 despite many ACT members welcoming Brash as leader - even those who had residual royalty to Rodney.

ACT had coined Brash, when he was National's leader, ACT's 9th MP. The party was still quite happy to use his services (probably free of charge) in 2014, when David Seymour was campaigning to win Epsom.

So ACT doesn't want Williamson. OK. I get that. But I don't understand the need to mockingly publicise the approach.

Just smacks of fickle politics. An undeserved 'hero to zero' treatment.


  1. I don't believe it.

    Where's the gain for Williamson to hop?

    And for God's sake.. where's the gain for ACT in putting this out in public crushing both Williamson and Brash, and utterly pissing off National?

    This looks like a colossal personal failing of Seymour.. one that his electorate won't forget.


  2. Anonymous12:22 PM

    So ACT doesn't want Williamson. OK. I get that. But I don't understand the need to mockingly publicise the approach.

    Well indeed. But more to the point, it's pathetic. Look at how UKIP has benefited from Tory defectors. ACT would have doubled its size in parliament, much more than doubled its influence, and what a great time, and the last bit of the Roger & Ruth consensus is undone by an increasingly far-left government.

    But. no.

  3. ACT is dead. But its corpse still twitches.
