Thursday, December 11, 2014

American Blacks and Maori - the striking commonality

First a cut and paste from NCPA:

The Rise in Single Motherhood Since 1965

December 10, 2014
In 1965, Daniel Patrick Moynihan caused a stir when he reported on the growing number of black children being born to single mothers and growing up without a father in the home, contending that the trend towards fatherless families would reduce those children's chances of succeeding academically and economically.
Has that held true? Princeton University professor Sara McLanahan and Christopher Jencks, professor at the Harvard Kennedy School, write that Moynihan's assessment of the changing structure of black families was right on target:
  • In 1965, 25 percent of black children and 5 percent of white children lived in families with a single mother.
  • Since 2003, around 50 percent of black children have been raised by unmarried mothers. The comparable rate for whites has sat around 18 to 20 percent since the mid-1990s.
  • In 1960, just 5 percent of births were to unmarried mothers. That number had reached 41 percent for all races by 2010 and had reached 72 percent for blacks by 2010.
McLanahan and Jencks note that nature of single motherhood has changed drastically over the last 50 years:
  • Single mothers today are far less likely ever to have been married than the single mothers of the past; in 1960, 95 percent of single mothers had actually been married at some point in the past. Today, only 50 percent of single mothers had been married previously.
  • Mothers who have not completed college have seen the biggest rise in single-motherhood. From 1980 to 2010, the number of black children living with unmarried mothers without a high school diploma had risen from 55 to 66 percent; the number living with unmarried mothers who had not finished college had risen from 43 to 50 percent; and the number living with unmarried mothers who had graduated from college had risen from 23 to 28 percent.
The rise in single motherhood among less educated women has created economic struggles for families, as single mothers tend to have lower earnings than married mothers. McLanahan and Jencks note that families headed by unmarried mothers had a 40 percent poverty rate in 2013, compared to an 8 percent poverty rate for families headed by a married couple.
The impact of the single-motherhood trend on children has been added instability and complexity, say the authors, with the children of unmarried mothers being more likely to have half-siblings and to live with multiple adults. Before the child of an unmarried mother reaches the age of five, 61 percent of single mothers will live with a new partner, while 11 percent will live with three or more partners.
The researchers note that a child who grows up with only one of his biological parents is 40 percent less likely to graduate from high school, with the absence of a father leading to behavioral issues and delinquency. McLanahan and Jencks also note that past studies indicate the children of an absent father have less chances of becoming employed.
Source: Sara McLanahan and Christopher Jencks, "Was Moynihan Right?" Education Next, Spring 2015.

In 1968 30 percent of Maori babies were ex-nuptial.

Last year 12,985 Maori babies were born to unmarried mothers - 78 percent of all Maori babies born that year. The equivalent figure for Blacks is 72 percent.

All of the above is as relevant for Maori as it is for Black Americans. The relationship between single parenthood and poverty, welfare dependence, educational under-achievement, contact with the justice system (the PC description for delinquency) and unemployment (or unemployability) is beyond dispute.

Data extracted from NZ Statistics Infoshare


  1. Jamie9:37 AM

    It wasn't called 'The Projects' for no reason...

    From Chiraq...

    Coming soon to a neighbourhood near you...

  2. Jamie9:46 AM

    Makes me sick to my stomach!!!

  3. Jamie9:52 AM

  4. Jamie9:55 AM

    Prohibition...How much longer before people climb down from their moral high horses???

  5. So social engineering - welfare and prohibition - created the mess depicted in these documentaries?


    Have you read "The new Jim Crowe"?
    Written by a female Black lawyer it claims that prohibition is used to discriminate against Blacks because other forms of discrimination were outlawed. Hence the disgusting levels of Black incarceration. It's an eye opener.

    At least this veteran iniative stuff is cause for optimism.

  6. I'm on it!!!

    Will be using your post

  7. Jamie, Did you say somewhere you served in the NZ Army between 2004 and 2008 in Afghanistan? If so, how involved with US soldiers were you?

  8. Nope not in Afghanistan but plenty of buddies of mine been there done that. I was in the rear with the gear, in a nice friendly Middle-Eastern Country and elsewhere, no combat...


    I did see buddy's get killed though


    My time in the service was love-hate, loved the lads, hated a lot of the brass and the Mission.

    My stint in the NZ Army 04-08 could be summed up as all the guts and no glory...

    Have served with plenty of Yanks yes, and done plenty of drinking and carousing with em too...

    Good times

  9. My stint in South Coogee Bushfire Brigade was a hell of a lot shorter than that.

    Got kicked outta the brigade because I tried to fight Minister Troy Buswell after they sent us in to Margaret River with maps with no street names.

    In my defence every member of the brigade stood up and spoke in my defence.

    I guess somewhere along the line I've developed a zero-tolerance to stooges who will get you killed through incompetence
