Wednesday, November 12, 2014

'Long term' unemployed numbers falling

I do wonder why MSD publishes a "snapshot" of Jobseeker data in November which is only current to June. But here is their latest installment showing progress towards BPS target depicting people continuously receiving Jobseeker Support for 12 or more months:

 As at the end of June 2014, 67,531 clients were continuously receiving Jobseeker Support for more than 12 months.

With the unemployment rate dropping you would expect the trend to continue.

As noted in the Result Action Plan for Reducing Long-term Welfare Dependence, a breakdown of client groups most at risk of staying on a benefit for longer periods is provided below. As at the end of June 2014, these client groups consisted of:
  • 21,995 Māori (a 1.6 per cent decrease from the March 2014 quarter)
  • 4,550 Pasifika (a 3.6 per cent decrease from the March 2014 quarter)
  • 6,850 Youth (a 2.1 per cent decrease from the March 2014 quarter).

This is also in line with the HLFS employment data which shows the Maori unemployment rate is not falling as fast as Pasifika.

Numbers on the Supported Living Payment (generally ex Invalid Benefit) are static:

 Supported Living Payment numbers 2009-2014

 Numbers on Sole Parent Support are declining slightly:

Sole Parent Support numbers 2009-2014

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