Monday, April 28, 2014

Recent portraits

Just updating my artist blog so have cross-posted here.

I was proud to call Wim Verhoeven  a friend of mine. A gentleman of  enormous integrity and kindness, and a staunch, active believer in individual rights and freedom. I am sure some of my blog readers will remember him with fondness. Here's a pastel I did for his son Terry late last year.

Then, Mrs Connell, whose portrait I painted for her lovely husband. He came to collect it last week and was thrilled. I didn't know her and worked from a small photo on funeral service memorial notes creating a 500 x 400mm oil. She looks like she made the most of life.


  1. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Those are wonderful portraits Lindsay!

  2. Manolo1:09 PM

    I do remember Win, a very decent man.
