Wednesday, April 30, 2014

210,000 children on welfare

At the end of last year 210,000 children were on welfare. The NZCCSS has the breakdown in its latest Vulnerability Report.

There are around 1.07 million children aged 17 and younger. So roughly 1 in 5 is dependent on a benefit.

In the poorest deciles maybe 2 or 3 children  in every five. And the younger the child the higher the likelihood is.

It's been worse in the past, but for a long time now, it hasn't been much better.

Even in 2007/08, when NZ had really low unemployment, the number still failed to drop below 200,000.

This is a problem that needs to be fixed. National has made, as Don Brash puts it, "a useful beginning".

The New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services, by the way, wants more 'children' on benefits:

“NZCCSS members are beginning to see a greater number of young people appearing at their centres seeking support”, says McGlinchey. “This indicates there is likely to be more young people who are not receiving the support they need from the social welfare system. These young people may be relying on their parents’ and friends’ already stretched resources, or just going without. They should have access to good quality education, training and jobs – or if this is not available a liveable benefit”.

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