Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Swedes reject Save the Children claim about child poverty in their country

In 2011 Save the Children put out a report claiming 250,000 Swedish children were living in poverty. But some Swedes didn't accept the claim. Early this year a TV research team investigated:
According to charity organizations, Save the Children, there are a quarter million poor children in Sweden. But when the Swedish television made an investigation into such claims, it turned out that child poverty in Sweden conducted by these organization, tend to be based on issues that are not considered a necessity for child welfare in a typical Swedish environment. Therefore, the picture presented by the Swedish television research give a different picture.

Another report says the ensuing TV programme has prompted the three largest child organisations to abandon their use of the term "child poverty".

The organization Bris, which also started using the term in 2011, has now decided to abandon the term “child poverty” for Swedish children and replace it with "social and economic vulnerability".

Also Save the Children, who first launched the term in 2011, has admitted that it gave a misleading portrayal of the situation and has since abandoned the campaign.
I wish NZ media would be a little less compliant when international and domestic advocacy groups make claims about child poverty in NZ.


  1. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Child poverty in NZ is a reflection of adult poverty.

    Given the dearth of productive employment in NZ and that 90% of adults are non-nett taxpayers, all we can say for sure is that there is simply not enough child poverty in NZ for the economy to function well.

  2. Anonymous10:31 AM

    It looks like a simple swapping of one wishy washy term for another. It just allows more crap to be issued for consumption. The god news is that Sweden has been a socialist poster boy for years and challenging the perception its all good is always going to be a good thing.

    I think that much of the poverty we see is the result of moral poverty at a personal level. If that was sorted other things would improve.


  3. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Poverty is the result of welfare.

    When there was no welfare, there was no "poverty" as we know it today.

    When welfare ends, so will poverty.
