Thursday, November 08, 2012

Major defeat for Greens

Yesterday the Greens were desperately seeking Peter Dunne's support:

The Greens and United Future are at odds over moves to change in-work tax credit entitlements. Parliament will debate tonight the Member's Bill of Green co-leader Metiria Turei that would extend the credit to beneficiaries.
United Future MP Peter Dunne says the bill destroys the incentive of Working for Families to get beneficiary families into work.
"I don't really see there's much to be gained from having a discussion at a select committee, when there's such a fundamental difference of view."
But Metiria Turei says she's offered major compromises to Mr Dunne to get his support and he's turned them all down.
"Peter Dunne committed himself at the last election to a campaign to reduce inequality. Now is the chance for him to have the discussion on how we can do that and he's refusing to."

Dunne hung tough against this stupid idea to reverse what was originally a Labour- implemented policy to build a margin between benefits and earned income.

Looks like it died a death.

The first reading of the Income Tax (Universalisation of In-work Tax Credit) Amendment Bill was not agreed to.


  1. Manolo11:24 AM

    More Luddite lunacy.

  2. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Agreed, Manolo!

    It is *great* to see that this bill seems to have been defeated.
    It was a perfect example of how utterly naive and ignorant the Greens are when it comes to economics (and incentives to work).

    The *ONLY* thing that throwing more money at beneficiaries will do is to make them even MORE determined to avoid work, as the benefit creeps up towards the level of the minimum wage.

    That is common-fricking-sense.

    Why bother with work when your lazy habits get **rewarded**, not punished?
