Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Kiwiblog: Labour soft on fraud?

David Farrar has a post regarding an exchange David Shearer had with a constituent about a neighbour being on a sickness benefit while he was up painting his roof. Shearer empathises with the constituent about the unfairness of the situation. Then Farrar points out the hypocrisy of this as Labour has opposed every National reform measure to reduce fraud. The implication is that Labour is soft on benefit fraud.

The statistics don't support this however.

table IS.1: Fraud and abuse investigations and reviews completed, and overpayments identified1
Financial year2 Number of investigations and reviews completed Number of overpayments established Value of overpayments ($)
2006/2007 39,141 7,084 41,935,634
2007/2008 26,736 4,407 33,702,275
2008/2009 26,400 3,327 33,780,453
2009/2010 19,935 2,996 39,336,133
2010/2011 16,266 2,424 39,838,760

table IS.2: Fraud prosecutions completed
Financial year1 Number of prosecution cases of benefit fraud completed
2007/2008 1,028
2008/2009 735
2009/2010 789
2010/2011 690


  1. I think you mean 'Labour has opposed .... ' :)

  2. Ta Mark. Careless of me.

  3. "David Shearer had with a constituent about a neighbour being on a sickness benefit while he was up painting his roof."

    What is wrong with that? Is it any worse than being on a sickness benefit and spending all one time writing a blog?
