Friday, August 03, 2012

Does Sam win ... yes she does!


Sam  was the winner of a trip to the NZ Fashion Weekend in late September. I watched the show on Friday heart in mouth despite knowing the outcome (she arrived back at Wellington airport with a beautiful bunch of flowers). She was thoroughly surprised when the judges said her name, and suitably humble I am happy to report. Her model was also a Year 9 girl, but 5' 11" and in (ginormous!) heels and they look adorable together - very much the long and the short of it.

The On Demand replay is here

And, from Sam, thanks so much to all of those people who voted her into the Top 25. You made it possible.


  1. Best of luck Sam.
    Could be a domestic violence incident in Paradise this afternoon over a remote.

  2. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Congratulations Lindsay, I know it aint scientific but i reckon clever people have clever children.

    Full marks to your daughter Sam for giving life a go and by doing so, comming up trumps.

    As an aside, I reckon mum should paint the material and daughter sow the canvas.


  3. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Of course it should be an E in sew, but I been up all night watching the obvious


  4. I'm sure Sam's going on to great things. Well done (both of you).
