Sunday, May 20, 2012

McCarten missing the point

More mangled logic from Matt McCarten today. About the extended free contraception to the teenagers of women on the DPB:

"If we really want to reduce teenage pregnancy and abortion it would be more principled, and just as cost-effective, to offer it to all young women."

Stupid. But I have heard this sentiment over and over. Who can believe it comes from the mouths of lefties who in the very next breath are demanding all sorts of targeted assistance for the poor.

But if we treat contraception as purely a health matter anyway, it is the poorest teenagers that become teenage mothers. DHB statistics illustrate this fact. So prevention is targeted at that group.

I wonder what McCarten thinks of the targeted funding for the reduction of rheumatic fever?

Tariana Turia:

"Today we announced that as part of Budget 2012 we are doubling the spending, from $12 million to $24 million, over the next 4 years to reduce rheumatic fever in vulnerable communities. We currently have 101 schools engaged in the rheumatic fever campaign, targeting 35,000 children in seven regions. This new funding will allow more schools and more children to be targeted in this preventive programme. Around 70 percent of children who get this Third World disease will suffer some heart damage, but with proper treatment that risk is dramatically reduced.
McCarten's idea of  "principled" policy would require the programmes to be run in all communities whether or not rheumatic fever is a problem.


  1. Anonymous8:36 AM

    If we really want to reduce teenage pregnancy and abortion it would be more principled, andfar far more cost-effective to just stop paying them the benefit

    it is the poorest teenagers that become teenage mothers.

    Really? I thought it was the most benefit-dependent, those who have most to gain.
    Which is why the only real solution is what everyone knows must happen, but for reasons of political correctness, can't say.

  2. thor428:50 PM

    Agreed, anonymous.
    The obvious solution - scrap the benefit.

    If only we had politicians with the balls to do this.
    Scrap the DPB and WFF.
    Time-limit the dole make it workfare (work-for-the-dole). No benefits for under 20s.

  3. Anonymous9:54 PM

    DPB WFF ACC EQC and most of all scrap the super - the biggest benefit of all!

  4. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Lindsay, you are assuming of course that McCarten wants this situation to change.

    He (and all of the rest of the self-styled Nomenklatura) have a vested interest in the expansion of that demographic, for their votes.

