Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Budget 2012 - small mercies to anticipate

There may be more recent data but this will do:

Across the entire sample, 52 percent of offenders released from New Zealand prisons in 2002/03 were convicted of a new offence and were returned to prison at least once during the 60-months follow-up period. 

Yesterday in Parliament:

Hon ANNE TOLLEY (Minister of Corrections): Yesterday the Associate Minister of Corrections and I announced that Budget 2012 will contribute to a 25 percent reduction in reoffending by 2017, and 18,500 fewer victims of crime every year from 2017.

In other terms, in five years time, instead of 5 in 10 prisoners re-offending, New Zealand can look forward to 4 in 10 re-offending. I can hardly wait.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:25 AM

    At least let's not call it a zero budget: call it what it is, a minus ten billion budget.

    It's not an English budget - the English are chopping 25 Billlion pounds off welfare alone, with a 20% cut in state spending over 4 years.

    What it is is a Greek Budget!

    Wonder if Banks will have the guts even to mention that this afternoon
