Friday, April 01, 2011

Criminals and misnomers

Just two quick thoughts this morning.

1/ Anybody who defrauds Work and Income should be barred from ever claiming welfare again, including Super. That would a huge deterrent to people who think they can behave how the hell they like and always fall back on other people's money. Otherwise this extraordinary state of affairs, whereby no matter what people do their 'entitlements' remain intact, will continue to be a major reason why so much crime occurs and will continue to occur. The bullet must be bitten and a stop put to this utter nonsense. The facts;

In 2009;
Cancellations of a benefit for reason ‘going to prison’ 4,192. Grants of a benefit for reason ‘leaving prison’ 3,496.

2/ Does anyone else find the constant use of the term 'mass grave' in reference, to the inability to identify Christchurch quake victims, questionable? Mass graves have connotations associated with mass murder. Surely a better, more sympathetic description could be found. Multiple grave maybe. I don't know but I am certain the term being used is all part and parcel of the tragedy voyeurism some commentators have identified.

Update; Having returned from walking the dog there is something else I want to say. In the business of beneficiaries defrauding the taxpayer and going back on welfare the writer went to ACT for a response;

ACT MP Heather Roy said it was obvious further changes needed to be made. "The question is, how much was the system allowing this to happen? It seems to me if we've got that much money going west ... there's something going wrong."

What a piss-poor response. ACT has had years to think about this matter. And Roger Douglas is supposed to be the welfare spokesperson anyway. I may not always have agreed with Muriel Newman but she didn't prevaricate or miss an opportunity to stamp an impression on voters about where the party stood. And they call National "spineless".


  1. Anonymous8:01 AM

    The bullet must be bitten and a stop put to this utter nonsense

    Hell yeah. But the amount of the $15Bn we flush down the crapper every year on benefits that goes to fraud is miniscule.

    If you want to stop spending 60% of all tax income on benefits, cutting down on fraud isn't going to make any difference whatsoever.

    Dole. DBP. Super. WFF Nice to have Can't afford any of it.

    Roger Douglas is supposed to be the welfare spokesperson anyway

    Douglas is a socialist. ACT is well rid of him!

  2. Some media have bizarrely used the military term 'fallen' to describe victims of the earthquake.
    As for 'mass grave', how insensitive can they get?.
    I call it the hollywoodisation of grief.

  3. Anonymous10:07 AM

    How about a common grave?


  4. Community Internment?

  5. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Does anyone else find the constant use of the term 'mass grave'

    absolutely not. And worrying about terminology is nanny-state political correctnes of the worst kind

    Since the grave will be provided free, call if a Pauper's Grave if you want another term. Good enough for Mozart.

  6. Manolo6:59 AM

    ACT lost the plot (because of Rodeny Hide, the baubles of power, and its emasculation at the hands of the National Party); and will no longer exist after the November election.

  7. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I agree that there ought be no more benefits if one is caught defrauding the system. Additionally, there ought be a policy where one can opt out of paying the full rate of tax on the basis one contracts to never fall into the benefit system later in life.

