Monday, January 10, 2011

Overlap between CYF and WINZ clients

The re-ignition of the debate about child abuse and association with welfare has reminded me about the lack of recent statistical evidence assessing the overlap between between beneficiaries and CYF clients. The only reference source is now 15 years old. And MSD has no plans to repeat the research. I know this because I asked them last year when submitting a number of questions (4,5,6 and 7 below) attempting to establish what the degree of overlap is. According to their responses they have no idea.

How bad is that?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:26 AM

    And you realise of course that this type of information would be very simple to obtain and collate. In other words, govt DOES NOT WANT TO KNOW, the incidence and causality between its social meddling and unintended (we hope) consequences.

