Wednesday, September 22, 2010

As rich as Australia - once

Statistics New Zealand has published updated material it provided to the Taskforce 2025 including many interesting tables comparing labour forces and migration rates among other things.

Ironically, as a response to the catching- up- to- Australia campaign, a fatalistic feeling is emerging amongst New Zealanders that this country can never be as rich as Australia. That view is in danger of becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy in that it contributes to driving away people who don't accept it. Ambitious people who keep hearing, "They've got the population; they've got the mineral wealth; they've got the markets..." will want to be in the 'they' team.

I don't accept it. NZ has been as wealthy as Australia and can be again. It just takes political will.


  1. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Exactly, but that political will just ain't there, hence it'll only be downhill from here on.


  2. Anonymous8:16 PM

    HUH? The tables don't show that Lindsay.

    All they show is that NZ has been poorer than Aus since at least 1970, and that the gap is growing faster and faster

  3. Anon, The top table shows that NZ had a higher GDP than Australia in the 1960s. That may be too long ago for you to remember but it is certainly well within my and my parent's memory. As Brits looking for a better life they chose NZ over Australia in that decade. Perhaps if they were making the same choice today - a young tradesman and a teacher - they would pick Australia.
