Saturday, May 15, 2010

Going to the media and another apology

There is an growing fashion of people running to the media with silly subjective stories that leave a good number of us yawning. Like, Work and Income tells jobseeker to remove her degree from CV. Big deal.

This is not one of them. Gary Wake e-mailed this story to NewstalkZB, and obviously other media, as a last desparate resort. If you don't want to read the entire e-mail you can hear Justin du Fresne read it in its entirety straight after the 9am news yesterday. Listen (starts at 13:30). As the story unfolds there develops a sense of very black comedy about cancellation after cancellation of surgery as Gary's 11 year-old daughter becomes more and more disabled.

After you have listened consider the response of the DHB;

"We recognise this has caused some distress to the patient and her family and we apologise."

Some. No response at all would probably have been an improvement on that indifferent word choice.

I truly hope Mr Wake achieves a positive result from his action and that his daughter receives the surgery and makes a speedy and successful recovery. The whole episode has been a devastating downward spiral for Kirstie and her family and provides a damning insight into the inadequacies of New Zealand's health system. As parents we are all saying, there but for the grace....


  1. And our fine government is busy spending millions outfitting semi-military police activities to pursue shops that sell lamps that can be used to grow recreational herbs, and doling out millions to non deserving no hopers that can't be bother looking out for themselves.

    Man o man does this make me mad, mad mad. Where on this earth can one find a country that hasn't been totally f..d over by rotten politicians and leftists?

  2. "Where on this earth can one find a country that hasn't been totally f..d over by rotten politicians and leftists?"

    There's no longer any such place Bez. But I have faith there will be, and perhaps sooner than we think.

  3. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Work and Income tells jobseeker to remove her degree from CV.

    There's a great report from the CIS pointing out that NZ produces far too many graduates for its economy - mostly as a consequence of the fact that degrees are greatly underpriced (or rather over-subsidised).

    So even that WINZ story isn't a trivial one - like this one it is a symptom of a structural failure of NZ's economy.
