Thursday, October 01, 2009

Huge hike in cannabis offences

Oh yes. Prohibition is a wonderful deterrent.

Recorded cannabis offences rose by almost 26 percent in the year to June 2009.


  1. Kermit3:51 PM

    Why are people increasing turning to drugs ?

  2. Kermit3:51 PM


  3. Dunno. Cops always go for the easy bust, I would speculate.

  4. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Finding a cannibis plot is easier than finding a bank robber. And once the proceeds of crimes act gets into full production,it will be a big earner as well.


  5. Anonymous10:46 PM

    NZ simply does not have any effective anti-cannabis enforcement. The good news of these statistics is that now we have a Government who is prosecuting this scourge, and the results will hopefully continue to climb!

    But seriously - are cops allowed to use proven tactics such as:

    * jail sentences for most drug offenders? no!
    * strychnine sprayed over suspected cannabis crops? no!
    * armed police taking down dealers and gangs? no!
    * taskforces wiping out gang houses and tinnie houses with grenades and armoured vehicles? no!

    Lets have some real enforcement, then we can decide if this is successful.

  6. Anon, You want to go down the US path at a time when they appear to be leading the thinking in changing tactics because of abysmal failure?

  7. Anonymous3:13 PM

    NZ has a number of great advantages over the US, including a much more defensible border.

    The US has lots of pot coming south from Canada, and other drugs coming up from Mexico. As far as I'm aware, a strategic approach in the US has never been attempted to deal with this problem. Burning the Mexican desert into a radioactive wasteland and deploying other strategic assets against the south american departure ports would greatly reduce the problems the US faces. Because of our geography, we do not need to use such forthright measures.

  8. "Recent drug seizures by Customs indicate strongly that New Zealand's borders are under a three-pronged attack from the illicit drug trade."

  9. Anonymous5:59 PM

    The cannibis problem in this country is feed from our own greenfingered entreprenuers. Gone are the days of the Mr Asia Thai Sticks that I gourged myself on in the Seventies.(the good old days) Now its the scourge of 'P' flooding in from our prefiential trading partner China that taxes our border security..


  10. 'Cannabis offences'? As a victimless crime, surely that is an oxymoron?
