Friday, September 25, 2009

Sue Bradford - shame about the causes

This won't be a very popular post but I am going to say something - or two if I can stretch to it - positive about Sue Bradford.

When I made submissions to the Social Services Select Committee Sue was never rude or intimidating (unlike Philip Field and Liz Gordon who could both became apoplectic). And she listened and would ask questions.

She has two strong personal attributes, courage and commitment. Shame about the causes she brought them to.

But I am glad she has resigned from Parliament. Because she is a thorn in the side of welfare reform - a particularly sharp one. She will, of course, continue to be, in some capacity. What capacity awaits to be seen.

With the extreme leftist welfare ethos gone from the Greens, Labour may be freer to look afresh at what needs doing. After all, it is more often than not that Labour is the party of reform.


  1. "After all, it is more often than not that Labour is the party of reform. "

    Well it has become apparent that National isn't.

  2. Anonymous3:56 PM

    What capacity awaits to be seen.

    The don't call her "Ulrike" for nothing.

  3. Your positive candid comments give strength to all your arguments, unlike some =====?

  4. "With the extreme leftist welfare ethos gone from the Greens"

    um, except for Metiria, Delahunty and Locke.

  5. Manolo12:59 PM

    A happy day for all New Zealanders.

  6. Anonymous5:41 PM

    I suspect the peoples Sue will continue her crusade outside of parliment in the guise of a well paid welfare consultant to the very government she has just quit.


  7. Anonymous6:12 PM

    I think I mean Party not government. Its Saturday night and the turps is flowing fast...
