Monday, September 14, 2009

Is anywhere safe from naggers?

Has anybody else noticed the public address messages now being broadcast when they are super marketing? There I am in, aisle whatever, just enjoying a trip down memory lane listening to some schmlatzy Whitney Houston number wafting through the speakers and in crashes Woolworths Marketing Manager advising me how many women are dying from cervical cancer and how important it is to have a regular smear test. Oh, I groan. For god sakes, is nowhere safe from these naggers. It's a gross invasion of my consciousness. Like NotPC last week, I am up to here with it. Leave me the hell alone.

And just as private charities are now thinly disguised government agents, so are private enterprises that buy into public health indoctrination.

I think I am going to change my shopping habits. But I am assuming that Progressive Enterprises has the same policy across their chain. Anybody been assaulted at a Pak'n'Save lately?


  1. No music nor PSA's at my local Pak'n'save.

  2. Yep we get it in our supermarket - not public health stuff as yet though its more focussed on keeping kids safe in supermarket trolleys and on how to save the planet by using less plastic bags

  3. Haven't heard the cancer one at our Pak n Save yet. Yet. All we get repeatedly is an order to watch that our children don't try to climb out of trolleys "because supermarket trolleys can be dangerous and a moment's inattention can cause a serious fall or injury".

    And, like Andrei, we get the bags too.

    Can't recall what I hear at Woolworths... I go there every week for a few things but I must zone out. Perhaps their volume is turned down. Now I'll have to pay attention - not sure if I'm pleased about this.

  4. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Anybody been assaulted at a Pak'n'Save lately?
    well of course, but a couple of security guards clouted him good & proper, then dragged him out the back for some more special attention..

    All we get repeatedly is an order to watch that our children don't try to climb out of trolleys
    More labour-party nanny-statism, they're worried you'd be able to sue them.

  5. baxter3:01 PM

    You are lucky you get Whitney Houston. When I go to The Warehouse they are invariably playing heavy metal crap or rap and I just want to get out as soon as possible.

  6. Our Pak 'n Save is almost invariably 70's and 80's music. Very good idea, you often see customers singing along.

  7. " often see customers singing along."

    Despite the grumpy persona this blog conveys, that's me. I like singing or humming along. The last thing I want is anxiety-inducing ideas spoiling the mood.

  8. Anonymous4:54 PM

    The information I hear is so garbeled i never know what I'm being told. Ignorance is bliss.


  9. This is why I am resisting getting a hearing aid!

  10. My singing isn't that bad Oswald.

  11. Is anywhere safe from naggers?

    My place, Lindsay! ;)

  12. frank cobain11:04 AM

    That's why I have an iPod - block out the rest of humanity's inane mumblings.
