Friday, August 07, 2009

Free speech petition?

A petition, sparked by the actions of Paula Bennett, has been set up as per the following;

It is all about free speech apparently.

I am very much for free speech. What I am not for is free lies, or free half-truths.

If the Minister had released information that did not pertain directly and only to that already released by the protester I would also be up in arms. As it stands there is already enough legislated protection of privacy so I do not feel a need to add my signature.


  1. If you choose to go public with 'selective' information you shouldnt winge and moan when the full facts are disclosed. A pox on this petition.

  2. Anonymous8:33 PM

    How about another "Free Speech" petition?

    That all beneficiaries and civil servants and unionists and Labour party members names, addresses, salaries, tax rebates, benefits, etc, be placed on a publicly available website for all to see

    Sounds free and fair to me!
