Saturday, January 24, 2009

Five more years of cliched hang-wringing

It's all very well cancelling a few talkfests but National shows no sign of dis-establishing some of the talking heads and their bands of merry meddlers. Just listed at the Ministry of Social Development.


  1. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I've said it all along: the Tories are appeasers with the spine of a jellyfish.

    I'd love to be proven wrong, but I'm confident hell will freeze over first.

  2. Anonymous5:03 PM

    There's big money in big government and it aint going away anytime soon. The idea is to find a way to hook on to the gravey train and enjoy the fruits of our labour.


  3. Anonymous1:43 PM

    National want the power and maintain the status-quo. It is Labour that are the movers and shakers and want to change things.

    Labour under HC went too far to the Left, however there is a strong Liberal flavour running through Labour that is not evident in National.

    Maybe under Goff Labour may become less Socialist and more Liberal. I don't see that happening with National any time soon.

  4. Anonymous5:19 PM

    "t is Labour that are the movers and shakers and want to change things."

    Nice and gentle way of putting it, but the truth of the matter is the NZ Labour Party is hopelessly socialistic in its views, beliefs, and policies.

    Labour stands for for more state powers, more intervention, and meddling in the lives of its citizens.

    I reject that.

  5. The word you are looking for is 'decapitating'.

  6. Has Cindy Kiro actually resigned or is her 5 years up (as per employment agreement) and she is eligble for reapply for the position?

    The job description for the position is an absolute nonsence if National insists on keeping a Childrens Commisioner perhaps they could revivist the role and make sure they at least can attract a smart, capable person that could achieve something constructive.

  7. Lucy, I have since seen this report

    which says she finishes her term in April

  8. Good! But the Position Description still needs to be looked at.It really is a load of waffle.
