Thursday, September 11, 2008

Nasty nosey-Parker narks

How does a story like this get into the newspapers? In fact, I am not going to repeat it. Suffice to say some individuals personify the worst aspects of this meddling government. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Isn't it extraordinary. Reminds me of the time (20 yrs ago, ye Gods) when I was a Nanny in northern California. Took the two kids swimming with me (private country club), aged 3 & 5. Quietly & quickly dried & dressed them pool-side afterward, rather than lug all the stuff into the changing rooms .. no fuss & besides, I didn't think anybody saw amid all the tables, umbrellas, chairs, etc. I did this every day. Thought nothing of it. We were so discreet amidst the noise & activity of a busy pool.

    Turns out somebody did see & objected. Didn't say anything to me directly, of course, (gutless wonders), but to the couple I worked for .. who told them to grow up and mind their own business.

    Good job. But I was stunned that somebody would make a fuss over two little kids hopping out of wet togs into dry clothes.
