Wednesday, February 06, 2008


That's the title of the first post from Rodney Hide for some time. I hope he will be posting regularly. Rodney, the only libertarian in parliament, is also the best political reason for optimism for a freer New Zealand, a 'can do' country. What an amazing transformation, although I have to say, I didn't mind him when he was a rolypoly either. The ideas and energy were always there.

Welcome back.


  1. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Those two photos are amazing. What an inspiration. If only Jerry Brownlee and parakura Horomia would join Rodney in some gym sessions. I'm going for a bike ride after seeing this post.

    Brian Smaller

  2. Anonymous5:06 PM

    His standing as a politician has halved as well. People just don't seem to take him as seriously as they did before all the personal publicity stuff.

  3. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Good on Rodney for losing all the extra weight. I do hope he hasn't dropped similar number of voters with his antics over the past year. :-)

    I wish him well in his battle for Epsom, which he should win.

  4. Ahem
    :: puffs up chest ::

    I asked Rodney about his absence from blogging a couple of weeks ago.

    Clearly he has been thinking about it and has taken my council very seriously.


  5. Congratulations Rodney - what an outstanding effort - well done
