Thursday, August 16, 2007

What should be done with false rape complainants?

Read this story first. Actually I'll cut and paste it before it disappears. I considered blogging it at the time because the alleged rapists had a somewhat unusual profile.

Police investigate pack-rape of girl, 16
11:37AM Monday August 06, 2007

Morrinsville police are investigating the pack rape of a 16-year-old local girl. The girl has told police she was walking home at around 5am on Saturday, in the Page St area of Morrinsville, after parting company with two people she had been drinking with. She says she was approached by three men in a dark coloured station wagon.

She was then forced into the vehicle and raped by all three men. The men are all described as being in their mid-20s, Caucasian and fat. One man had a beard and moustache.

Police say the girl is deeply traumatised.

Today the Waikato Times reports;

Teen rape claim a lie

A Morrinsville teenager who claimed she was raped by three fat men has admitted the complaint was false.

The 16-year-old girl had told police she was pulled into a vehicle in the early hours of August 4 and raped by the men. Police spent 60 hours investigating the complaint, spokesman Andrew McAlley said. "Such false complaints and the resulting drawing away of resources from genuine inquiries are considered an unfortunate waste of police time."

The girl, who was described at the time of the alleged rape as deeply traumatised, will be dealt with by Police Youth Aid. Her complaint came just days after Hamilton police revealed a serial rapist was on the loose in the city. They are also looking into unsolved historic sex attacks to see if there are links to the serial rapist.

I wonder how these sorts of crimes are recorded. Under "Dishonesty/ Miscellaneous"? That category appears to have been introduced by police in 2003 when there were 133 crimes. Last year there were 579.

Of course I am only speculating but from media reports the incidence of false rape allegations does seem to be on an upward trend.

I am always surprised at the level of sympathy there is for the liars. Did anyone give a thought to all the bearded fat men driving dark coloured station wagons living in Morrinsville who were suddenly the recipients of sideways looks from people?

The worst thing that can happen to a 16 year-old is a Family Group Conference possibly followed by an appearance in the youth court. The whole point of the FGC is to allow the offender, their family/whanau and the victim and their family/whanau to decide together what the outcome for the offender should be. Of course it would be rather hard to find a room big enough to house all the fat 'Caucasian' men in Morrinsville and their families. But it is interesting to speculate what they might want to see happen to the 16 year-old.


  1. Anonymous8:29 AM

    At the very least the fact that she made a false rape complaint should go on her record, to be considered should she ever again make a rape complaint. She no longer has any credibility.

    If someone is successfuly prosecuted as the consequence of a false rape complaint, then the compainant should face a similar term of imprisonment.

  2. Women can make false rape complaints, which can be defeated in a District Court , however the mud sticks in the family court, as insidious protection orders remain firmly in place .The Family Court enjoys lies and false allegations ( ask the 40 plus lawyers & psycho nutbars in my case )!! Mum then allows the girls to be sexually active as 12 year olds with her many new boyfriends and dad cannot do a thing . Go figure as I don't understand why or how this can happen in this cess -pit country .The law does not protect the vulnerable and it is so dysfunctional it is dangerous for many children . I cannot fathom that a government and judicial system would not listen to a concerned father for six years . His worse concerns are his present nightmare as police investigate the widespread child abuse . Why did they not listen to me in 2001 ?
