Tuesday, June 19, 2007

They're wasting their time and our money

Dope users ignore police to buy supplies. We are supposed to be incredulous that people who went to buy from a tinnie house have walked past police in high visibility jackets to make their purchases. Actually I am incredulous that the police bother. Another one will quickly sprout up when this one is shut down.

Many of the people charged with attempting to procure cannabis were employed and included a roofer, kitchen hand, mothers and students. They varied in age from a minor to a 63-year-old.

Employed now. By the time the cops are finished with them they might not be. Just what is the point?

I am also reminded about being told just recently that the Wellington City Council introduced a voluntary drug test for some of its workers. Only one put himself forward. And was tested positive. And got the sack. Was he Irish? I asked my friend. No. He was a Maori, she replied. At which we burst into raucous laughter. (My friend is Ngati Porou).

If drug tests were widespread and mandatory we wouldn't have a workforce. Nobody to do the hard yacker and unpleasant jobs many would wrinkle their noses at.

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