Thursday, June 28, 2007

Get real

I heard this guy on TV last night asking employers to cut their staff a bit of slack while the America's Cup is on.

Because he is. He can afford to. He runs a Crown Entity. He and his staff get paid by the taxpayer, not clients or customers who pay for the delivery of products or services. He's the head of SPARC.


  1. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Frankly anybody who is dead keen to watch the America's Cup right through should have arranged a year ago to schedule some of his/her annual leave to coincide.

    In business and professional occupations annual leave entitlement often accumulates to the stage that the employee is "required" to take it.

    In my previous marketing job I would have preferred to work on through some weeks and have the equivalent cash in lieu.

    Most folk now have 4 weeks leave - what do they do with all this spare time?

  2. Anonymous12:50 PM

    The folks with kids have to take time off in the school holidays to look after the kids.

    Brian Smaller

  3. well, its school holidays now AND anerica's cup - whats the problem?
