Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Am I supposed to feel sympathy?

Reading the front page of the DomPost today I wonder how I am supposed to react to the news that the mother of slain Wanganui toddler was already expecting another baby. She is apparently full of rage against the Mob, hates them. Hates gangs. Not enough to say no to the dead child's Dad - who is presumably the father of the expected child - and still a Black Power member currently on remand for firearms charges. And here she is, clinging to a picture of her dead daughter, as well as him. Am I supposed to feel sympathy?

There is every likelihood I paid tax to fuel their shoddy lifestyle and now I've paid for them to parade it to the media.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:07 PM

    An almost perfect example of underclass breeding, undoubtly at the taxpayer's expense.

    Sympathy, you asked? Not from me.
