Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The whole truth.....

It beholds me once again to give you the full story. Minister of Maori Affairs, Mr Parekura Horomia is thrilled to bits that Maori unemployment has dropped below 10,000 - a 78 percent drop since December 1999. Now it isn't really good practice to compare different months of the year due to seasonal variation so I will compare December 1999 to December 2006;

Maori on;

Invalids benefit up 102%
Sickness benefit up 91%
DPB up 11%

The DPB increase is, by the way, against the trend.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Plus, we've had a couple of censuses etc, so is there any chance that more people have (re)defined themselves as 'Maori'?
