Saturday, February 03, 2007

Immigration not fair on tangata whenua

Tariana Turia believes immigration is disenfranchising Maori.

The Maori Party has fielded many calls from constituents, who believe that the fact Maori did not achieve an eighth electoral seat is a direct consequence of high overall population growth that has arisen through the influx of migrants to Aotearoa.

"These callers have reminded me that tangata whenua are the only people in Aotearoa who cannot increase their numbers by immigration" said Mrs Turia. "As such, they believe it is a question of justice that present and future immigration is managed in such a way as to prevent Maori from becoming an even smaller minority in their own land".

I disagree with this statement. There are two ways Maori can increase their numbers through immigration. They can intermarry with immigrants which many have done over the years and produce children who identify primarily as Maori. (Tariana herself is a prime example apart from the marrying bit.)

And two, they could try to attract back some of the 100,000 Maori that live in Australia alone. Although I doubt those people are interested in separatism, tino rangatiratanga, etc.

Think outside the square Tariana.


  1. Anonymous10:59 PM

    I guess it's a bit obvious that the Maori Party is after permanent balance of power status through the Maori seats. And if immigrants are in the way of an increase in the number of such seats, we can expect Maori nationalists to reclaim "Orewa" and talk about immigrants every year. Just the sort of rhetoric to sabotage Waitangi Day as a day for all New Zealand.

    I could of course suggest that the obvious "sledging" from the Epsom pew would be to question the "rotten borough" nature of the Maori seats.

  2. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Maroi, like everyone else, are all descended from immigrants. No human group was indigenous to New Zealand, all moved there just some earlier than others. And if one feels Maori they are -- a very easy way to increase their electoral numbers. Anyone can suddenly become Maori and register for the Maori roles. If it could be pulled off successfully I'd urge everyone to register as Maori making the whole game obsolete.

  3. Life is unfair- get over it!

  4. Anonymous2:30 PM

    As an immigrant to New Zealand I resent Turia's comments.

    She should concentrate in improving the life of her people, rather than blaming other ethnic groups for its plight.

    It is time for Maoridom to get rid of weak leaders like her.
