Thursday, January 11, 2007

Luxury offices

The new Ministry of Health offices are extremely nice, better than any recently visited in the private sector and there are wall-to-wall people. Quote from my nearest and dearest.

The Cancer Society chief describes them as "amazing" and "at the premium end of the accommodation scale". (See Stuff - links still not working).

They cost $6 million.

The cost of settling the radiologists strike?


(The MOH bureaucrats probably held a meeting and made the decision thus; if we give the DHBs enough to settle the radiologists pay claim that'll open the floodgates to all manner of health professionals and we will be up for millions. So we may as well spend what we've got on ourselves.)


  1. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Different budgets, you know. I know of a party going overseas to view landscaping around different hospitals - which was done in a very self righteous manner & seen as entirely proper. There was however no money budgeted for the landscaping ... & this from educated folks entrusted with the health of our communities ..perks for the boys, really.

  2. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Anon you are wrong, the people entrusted with your health are asking for reasonable pay, these leeches are trying to justify why they exist

  3. Anonymous10:24 PM

    I'm not objective here.

    The people saved my butt froma nasty fate.

    They deserve much better!
