Monday, January 01, 2007

Digging 'dirt' on dancer

If I say I have sympathy for the subject of this witch hunt I suppose it will be misconstrued as supporting the Far Right. I DO NOT. I do however support people's right to freedom of belief and privacy. This high profile (probably naive) British ballerina has been 'outed' as a member of the British political party, the BNP. What if she was a member of the equally objectionable British Socialist Party? Who would have bothered to uncover that?

"As far as I'm concerned my conscience is clear. As for the journalist who spent months snooping around, he'd find more dirt under his fingernails than he'd ever find on me."

Which brings to mind Hager's book and how it was produced. Another case of immoral 'snooping' sanctioned by people who should know better.

(Note the membership fee to join the BNP - wow)


  1. Anonymous9:05 AM

    i was interested in your comment `wow' at the cost of joining the BNP - $60-75nz depending on the exchange rate.

    What does it cost to join a NZ political party.

  2. I think it was 2$ to join the Maori Party (can't remember where I picked that up from) and $10 to join ACT from memory.

    You join the National Party simply by attending a lunch. You pay at the door and they write you a receipt on a membership slip (that's all they had available you understand:-))

    I would be surprised if there isn't a lot of jiggery pokery going on around membership numbers - like funding.

    Though I was very pleased that ACT admin made a point of verbally verifying that I wished to continue my membership this year rather than just rolling it over.
