Tuesday, December 05, 2006

"Single mothers, many problems."

"Single mothers, many problems" is from the Wall St Journal and describes the new demographic - poor, working, single mothers. 37 percent of US births are to unmarried mothers. In NZ the percentage was 45 in 2004.


  1. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I can't remember where I read it, but this makes sense to me:

    The three things young people need to to do to almost guarantee success in life are:
    1. finish high school
    2. get married before having children
    3. delay having children until you are over 20

    I'd add have no more than two children to the mix.

    While there are exceptions, it follows the 80/20 rule. If you do all the above then 80% will be successful. If you miss on any one of the three, then only 20% will be successful.

  2. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Well said Linda

    But why only two children? It seems to me that if the socially responsible are those that have the most children then the next generation will also follow that path.

    If on the other hand it is those on dependant on welfare are the ones responsible for the most children (and there is some evidence this is so) then we are going to have a nation of welfare dependants which will become totally unsustainable.

    How many children has the mother of the Kahui twins bought into this world? Whats the bet she hasn't finished and she will have more

    We are just now beginning to see the third generation of DPB dependants emerge. Welfare dependency is a NZ Sub Culture - one we need to end
