Friday, November 10, 2006

Unbelievable, literally.

Andrew Falloon has linked to a video which has Sue Bradford making this claim about the number of child deaths through physical abuse in Sweden. Apparently, "Between 1971 and 2000, in 21 of these years not a single child died from physical abuse and in each of the remaining 9 years one child died from abuse."

Below is the most recent UNICEF-produced Innocenti League Table for deaths from maltreatment. Sweden has 0.5 deaths per 100,000 children. If Sweden has around 2 million children (assuming a similar demographic spread to NZ) that means, on average, 10 children die from maltreatment per year (right click on image to enlarge).

I am fairly sure Sue Bradford would be quite happy using this table to point out how poorly NZ is doing.


  1. Thanks Porcupine. I'm not convinced a high voter turn out is necessarily desirable.

  2. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Re Bradfords Bull youtube clip: sources

    In the years 1971 - 2000
    224 children died from physical abuse (by parents/care-givers) in Sweden, an average of 7.4 children per year!
    Daily News. May 12, 2006, Hans Temrin & Johanna Nordlund, 'Stepparents abuse children to death more often'.
    Also Apropa 2/2003 p25, (Quarterly of the 'National Bureau of Crime Prevention')
    'Children who are killed by their parents',
