Thursday, November 09, 2006

On the same wave length

Last night I had the honour of stepping in for Rodney Hide and addressing the Waikanae Rotary members. No surprises what I talked about (after describing MY experience of Dancing with the Stars - a phone bill that grew at about the rate Rodney shrank) - welfare and the worst excesses of the welfare state.

But I also talked about my experiences as a volunteer and my conviction that people are far more resourceful and creative than government ever give them credit for. There was audible assent when I said the government should back off.

The President responded with a George Washington quote about government being like fire; a dangerous servant and a fearful master. We were on the same wave length.


  1. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I prefer Reagan's description better
    "Govt is like the alimentary canal of a baby, all appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other"

  2. Quite. It's a gorgeous quote.
