Wednesday, September 27, 2006

What to think

What to make of this story? A baby is left in a car outside Farmers in Rotorua for what the parents say was no more than five minutes. The police and ambulance are called and CYFS notified.

Anyone who has ever had a baby asleep in the car has debated whether to duck into somewhere momentarily rather than disturb it. I might have done it in my neighbourhood.

Once a baby wakes up and starts to cry it works itself into a lather pretty quickly.

But if the police had time to arrive maybe the baby had been alone longer. Then again, I can't help but contrast this story to others where the mother has gone off to play the pokies for an indeterminate amount of time.

Are we getting too precious?

(Oh, and if you want speedy police attention it might be a good idea to say there is a baby locked inside a car outside your house.)

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