Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Another biased report

This report has just been released by Unicef NZ in partnerhip with The Body Shop.

Here are some quotes;

- The devastating effects of domestic violence on women are well documented.

- Domestic violence is a problem of enormous proportions. Although men are sometimes victims, the vast majority are women.

- One study in Canada found that women who lived with heavy drinkers were five times more likely to be assaulted by their partners than those who lived with non-drinkers.

I didn't read the following;

- One area where women offend more than men is child abuse. Child abusers are slightly more likely to be female than male (Crime in New Zealand, 2000)

- About 27 percent of women and 34 percent of men among the Dunedin study reported they had been physically abused by their partner (Findings about partner violence from the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study.)

- Of 91 NZ child homicides between 1991 to 2000 31 percent were committed by the father, and 24 percent by the mother (Children at increased risk of death from maltreatment and strategies for prevention, CYF.)

Interviewed on National Radio about this report, the advocacy manager from Unicef apparently said that one in three men will hit their partner. Did anyone else hear this?


  1. Anonymous5:12 PM

    "- Of 91 NZ child homicides between 1991 to 2000 31 percent were committed by the father, and 24 percent by the mother (Children at increased risk of death from maltreatment and strategies for prevention, CYF.)"

    Committed by the Father or more likely "Male Caregiver". There is a huge difference> Anyway think of the notorious child murders in recent times by male caregivers and look at the biological relationship of that person with the victim.

    When you do that you will see it is in fact exceedingly rare for the FATHER (in the true and biological sense) to be the perpertrator.

  2. tut tut, andrei!
    Get with the program, man. Fathers are now "male caregivers" unless there's a need to slander men, in which case they mutate into "fathers".
    And if we point out that the *biological* father is unlikely to bash a kid to death then we undermine the efforts of the State to make the traditional family redundant.

  3. I'll scan the chart for you Andrei. It isn't conclusive although there is a further category for de facto parent. That could be interpreted in two ways.

  4. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Was the advocacy manager from Unicef a woman by any chance? Citing that 1 in 3 Men will hit their partner without adding that the ratio for women htting their partner is about the same, smacks (pardon the pun) of gender discrimination. Or was it simply granstanding to try and get media headlines.

  5. Anonymous6:07 AM

    As a follow up from my earlier post regarding gender discrimination against males.

    Just read the GG farewell speech and am incensed that once again the feminist agenda focusses on discrimination against males.

    "She said she had hoped that the efforts New Zealand made internationally in peace-keeping and peace-building might be reflected at home in better health and human rights, especially for women and children."

    The feminist movement has maligned the males so much that it is no wonder young males especially have no place in todays society. We are treated as third class (after women and children) citizens.

    Sadly feminist have lifted themselves up by putting down males. (ever noticed how many television adverts there are where males are made to look right idiots?) Their next big task will be to accept males into their society.

    All we want is equality.

  6. If that incites you GG you better avoid the land of the moonbats ;-)

  7. iiq374, seriously, some of the boy babies born to those "moonbats" are going to hear nothing but negativity about men as they grow up and because the moonbat mothers are nearly always solo there is no countervailing input.

  8. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Id put money on those boys turning out to be the abusers and sex offenders that these silly cows are scared of in the first place...
