Sunday, July 23, 2006

Herbie again

Haven't blogged any art for a while. I'd almost forgotten about this pair of paintings. The gallery they were in has moved. The second sold but I had to pick up the first last week. Had some good news yesterday. Two still-lifes, which were a departure in style and subject for me, were accepted for the Academy Galleries Winter Exhibition which opens Friday. Fingers crossed they might sell.


  1. Thank you Brian. I do put my hand in a certain tax-payer's pocket a fair bit. But he doesn't seem to mind ... and I do iron his shirts:-)

  2. Anonymous2:25 PM

    I'd love to see the originals. Would you mind posting when you are next exhibiting in Wgtn.


  3. Gloria, I'm not planning another solo exhibition for a while but I'll post when I do. I'm glad you like them. These are painted from photos I took. But people often say, if they see my photos, I've added something with the painting. That must be my feeling about the person.

  4. Very nice. They have a very 'Goldie' feel about them (at least that was my first impression).
