Wednesday, June 07, 2006


A man had three girlfriends, and didn't know which one to marry. But knowing the importance of choosing someone who would be good with money, he asked them all the same question: "If I gave you £5,000, how would you spend it?"
"I would spend it on furs and diamonds," said the first, "so I would always look glamorous for you."
"I would spend it on golf clubs and fine wine," said the second, "so you could always enjoy your favourite things."
"I would invest it in the stock market," said the third, "so we would never have to worry about money during our life together."
All the answers were so good that the man still couldn't decide, so he married the one with the big boobs.


  1. Anonymous1:51 AM

    It was after all...the only option that made sense.;-) big are the boobs?

  2. Odd that none of them chose that option for the 5,000...
