Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Stop whingeing for heaven sakes

Here's another National MP in the wrong party (fast becoming the right party). Jackie Blue. Complaining about women having to wait for up to a year for a mammogram. Well no. They don't have to wait that long at all. They only have to wait for up to a year if they want someone else to pay for it. If they stuck their hand in their purse for the price of a new top or pair of shoes they could have one right away.


  1. Anonymous5:49 PM

    National and Labour there has been little to discriminate between them for a while.

    I wonder if MMP hadn't changed the calculus whether a new party would have emerged and they would have
    coalesced into one to oppose it as happened twice before in NZ history.

  2. The bigger the Nats get the more likely the more leftwing members get elected. The National Party was the party of Marilyn Waring and Rob Muldoon.

  3. Anonymous7:38 AM

    What crap Lindsay. What she is complaining about this that she has to wait a year for something she has already paid for in general taxation. It's wrong to have to wait that long and it's not whingeing to say do

  4. Anonymous, The way I look at it, mammograms for 45-49 yr-olds were only recently added to "free" health services. We can keep on adding in all types of services and medications and saying they have been paid for through general taxation. It isn't going to make the system any more efficient or moral. Blue should be calling for tax rebates for health insurance, or tax deductible mammograms. Anything but demanding "free" services.

  5. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Fair point Lindsay, but the general public viewpoint which the government endorses is that we have a "free health" service. The government discourages private health providers.
    What we haven't had in this country is a debate on what coverage and what services we can afford and expect of the public health system and who/what misses out

  6. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Hi Aaron! ;-)
