Saturday, June 24, 2006

Finding excuses

Pita Sharples has got involved in the Kahui case.

On TV3 last night he very upset that people were "Blaming Maori as though we are all responsible for what a Maori does." As an individualist I am sympathetic to this viewpoint. I wouldn't want to be blamed for what Donna Awatere-Huata did because she is a woman and so am I, or she was an ACT member and so am I.

But from the DomPost this morning, he said non-cooperation was a "cultural thing" relating to the family being dysfunctional and dispossessed.

Well now he is taking the opposite tack. Only a Maori family would have reasons of 'culture' and 'dispossession' put up for their actions. These are collective excuses.

If Sharples is going to promulgate them then he'll have to put up with the consequences.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:47 PM

    All the extended family who are clamming up should be charged with obstruction of justice. Let them be brought before a Court and face the music together and see who cracks first. The scandal of Maori [plural] bashing and killing their own kids has gone on long enough without this family claiming cultural exemption.
