Monday, April 10, 2006

There are no stats

Back in March I questioned how seven deaths that occurred as a result of domestic violence in 2006 alone could go unreported by the media (I did eventually find one in Chch in early January).

Women and children continue to suffer the overwhelming majority of domestic violence abuse, said Commissioner Joy Liddicoat.

The National Collective of Women’s Refuges has noted that seven women have died as a result of domestic violence in New Zealand since the start of 2006.

I wrote to the National Collective of Women's refuge asking where they got their stats from - no reply. I wrote to the police asking them for the relevant statistics. Here is the reply I received;

"....concerning the number of women that had died as a result of domestic violence.......official statistics for what you have requested no not exist."

So my question remains. How reliable is the data propagated by the National Collective of Women's refuge?

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